Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hot in here

It has been soo hot recently but refreshing. I will take this right now over rain and 50 degrees. However this may change by mid-July. I have only turned  my AC on once after a run outside. I haven't turned it on for a few reasons, 1. I breath in recycled air conditioned air all day it is nice to have some fresh air, 2. My apt actually stays reasonably cool,3. The heat whipes my dog out. I would rather sweat a bit if it means she will sleep, ha. However it doesn't really make me wanna turn a hot oven on to cook. I have been eating a lot of salads and other cool items. Which is kind of a bummer cause the company I work for is having a HUGE tent sale. At said sale I bought basically a whole new kichen. We produce a lot of items for the "Food  Network " and other cooking/baking lines. I got a silicon oven mit, sauce brush, ice cream scoop, baking sheets, 9x 13 pan, 9x9 pan, pasta spoon, two spatulas, rubber scrapers, a can opener, large serving spoons, cooling racks and more for only about $70. LOVE SALES.
Before the heat came in I made these great " cookies" I say cookies because if you are a dessert purist you may not classigy these as cookies but I swear that is what the recipe called them. I eat them for breakfast, he.
3 bananas
2 cups rolled oats
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1/3 cup chopped dates

Smash the bananas until they are a smooth consistency (easier if you use slightly browned bananas). Mix in oats, vegetable oil and dates. let stand for 15 min. This helps the oats soften. Plop down on a cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees for 20 min.
I substituted peanut butter for vegetable oil. They are a bit softer and get added protein.  They resemble more of a baked oatmeal rather than a cookie. I also at times will add some chopped nuts and chocolate chips (dark chocolate of course).  Give them a try.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Food Pride

Memorial day weekend proved to be one of extremes. The weather was nuts! Sunday was rain and cold while Monday brought 90 degrees and sun. Food was no exception. I spent a lot of time this weekend with family and friends as I am sure many of you did. Aaand where there is a gathering there is food! I am not even going to pretend it was a healthy weekend, except a lot of outdoor activities. However, this is more than acceptable everyonce in a while, yes even for Dietitians!On Saturday I got my hair cut and of course the topic of food came up. My hair dresser told me a story about how she went to dinner with a friend that was so strict on what she ate it took the fun out of the meal. She then said something that struck me. "I was never raised to be ashamed of what I ate". Whoa! Now she is not a heavy girl mind you, but does not deny that she enjoys food. I mean lets be real, who doesn't. This comment has stayed with me. On sunday I had two bbq's to attend. One was at my uncles pretty typical. The second was at one of my life long friends who's husband is in culinary school. The burgers were the size of my head, sausages as long as my arm and dessert enough to feed three people with one serving. Now I am not denying that it was deliscious but health conscious, NO. Monday I met my mom, aunt and uncle with their two daugheters at my grandpas house. My grandpa is in his late 80's and at that point in life I believe you should eat whatever you want. He wanted a whopper, wish granted!
As my two little cousins (10yrs and 8yrs) read off the nutritional content of different fast food items form their Subway cup my hair dressers comment ran through my head again. At 10yrs should you be counting calories? I am not saying the kids should be running around with pixie sticks for breakfast but the previous night i was around near glutony and now I hav ea 10 year old reciting sugar and fat content. is this teaching good eating habits or the basis for eating and image issues down the road?  You all know I am about healthy eating but I do believe there is a balance. I agree with my hair dresser "shame" should not accompany any meal, maybe just a longer walk :)