Welcome to the very first post of the Frugal RD, this will be my opportunity to share with you all about my life and nutritional experiences. I am a Registered Dietitian working in many different areas from Dialysis to Organic and sustainable school lunches. I look forward to sharing with you all how I explore nutrition, discover affordable ways to include a variety of foods in my diet, as well as eat responsibly supporting local and sustainable agriculture. I also have a number of interesting experiences daily so I will of course share those as well. I will include tips and pointers to expand the nutrition in your daily living as well as anything else I come across I think you would enjoy. I will also share restaurants, shops, markets, and other eateries I come across I think that you will NEED to try. I also will share my exercise tips and knowledge seeing I also work for beach body and lets be honest exercise and nutrition go hand-in-hand.
SO..... here we go lets see what we can learn! We will keep it short and sweet for tonight but you can look forward to much much more in the future.
What are you trying out in the new year to improve your health and nutrition?
In these times of fat waists and skinny wallets, I'm quite interested to see what you have to say.