Friday, January 28, 2011

TGI mother F...........

So this morning I made coffee with out a filter, sure it was a little chewy and needed to be strained but there was still coffee you ask? I just forgot...put the coffee in, water....but no filter. TGIF. Working a 16hr day yesturday was probably part of why my brain hasn't woken up. however I got to do a pretty cool event last night helping to cater a winter fest for Sprouts Academy in Chicago, if you have an opportunity check it out. It is a preschool that their whole curriculum is centered around responsible and sustainable living. All materials are recyclable and reused, the specialize in kids with special diets/allergies, and the kids are called friends not students, they even have yoga for them......DEFINITELY not the preschool I went to. It has also been a left over week, we and by we I mean my mother throw away soooooo much food so I go to her house once a week and "shop" or clean out her fridge.It leads to some creative meals, ie todays lunch is brie cheese with some jelly on a pita.
Dinner was some left over chicken mixed with bbq sauce and a left over half of a baked potato. This is actually pretty mild it can get stranger. We talk about being more responsible with the purchases we make but if we are just throwing them away it makes no sense. Tough for her though I suppose she still thinks she is cooking and shopping for 5 when its only 2.
Plans for the weekend are to relax. Hope you all have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. those are some very tame meals compared to what i used to witness on aldine :)
