Thursday, February 3, 2011

Diggin out

So the snow came and is everywhere! I went to my moms to help her out little did I know that her snow blower was apparently only suitable for a light dusting of snow. So the old fashioned way it was, after shoveling for almost and entire day and a half I can feel all my muscles way too well. However I did help dig out a Deacon and two Nuns so I feel that will generate some good karma. I was also rewarded in food of stuffed shells, sausage and peppers and garlic bread. All just what the shoveler ordered. I also squeezed in about 10hours of sleep due to exhaustion. This morning feeling I needed something warm for breakfast I searched the cabinets. What I found wasn't too much in the breakfast department so I took some Kashi harvest wheat squares poured skim milk over them, heated it up in the microwave for about 1.5min and presto sweet, warm, heart cereal. If you look at things with just a bit of a creative eye you can come up with many new meals. Cold cereal can easily become how with a little liquid (milk, ect) and heated in the microwave for a minute, or you can heat the milk or other liquid on the stove and pour over the cereal, let absorb and enjoy. My mom likes to put honey and or cinnamon on top as well.

What creative ideas do you use for breakfast?

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