Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Some white stuff

Hope all had a good weekend and are ready for this little snow we are about to have all around the country. Although it may be a bit inconvenient we shall make the best of it. Plus it will only be for a couple days, we will live. Over the weekend I had a great sushi dinner with friends Friday night, and a great Tilapia dinner with my mom Saturday night. A fishy theme. I had an amazing shrimp, avocado, mango, and red onion salsa. It is so great to think outside the box and try different ingredients. The creamy avocado and bright mango worked really well together, add a little lemon. Today for lunch I have portobella mushroom soup with chicken and rice. Nice hearty and warm for this cold weather.
One of my favorite things for snacks or breakfast is Greek yogurt and fruit, nuts, and or granola. It is thick, creamy, high in protein and calcium...YUM. However it can be costly as with all rich foods. I have discovered however that you can make it at home!!! Buy plain yogurt, put it in some cheese cloth for a coupe hours or over night covered and let the moisture drain out. What you have is a think creamy Greek yogurt!!

I was told this weekend I was cheap, YUP!

Stay safe out there!!

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