Friday, February 4, 2011

Food for Fido..

After two days of shoveling out and being snowed in, I hate to say it feels good to be back to a routine. My pantry getting low I need to hit the grocery store tonight but I first hit the pet store yesterrday to make sure my crazy pup had something to chew on, literally. I found that due to her not getting quite as much exercise because of the weather giving her something to chew on keeps her busy and occupied. She chewed up a good bone and then I gave her another chew yesterday which must have been a good one cause she whined for about 15-20min prancing panicking around the house trying to find somewhere to hide her new treasure. However what caught my attention was while at Petco there was a whole new look. The colors had changed from bright blue and red to more neutral browns and greens. Everything had a more spa and open look and front and center was a huge sign that read " Free Nutritional consult for your best friend".  Even our pets can now get spa days, play dates, day care, and yes nutritional consultation. It is becoming more apparent that we may take better care of our pets than ourselves. I know my dog gets two meals a day and one treat with plenty of exercise. She doesn't eat if she isn't hungry. She listens to that little voice in side of us that we learn to ignore at an early age...instinct.Aside from the butt sniffing, self cleaning, and mud rolling (this may just be my dog) it seems we can learn a lot from the way are pets live.

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