Friday, February 11, 2011

For the spore of it....

In my quest to eat responsibly and frugally it has brought on the conclusion as stated previously that many things need to be done from scratch, whole chickens, stock made at home, dried beans ect. However there is an area where I am willing to spend the cash and take the convenience. Mushrooms!I love them in almost anything, soups, salads, with meat, as the main entree, sandwiches, ect. However and I am not exactly sure why I think it may stem from having to peel mushrooms in my internship, yes didn't know you could peel mushrooms did you? Believe me it is NOT necessary. A task I am sure a preceptor came up with when she couldn't think of anything else for me to do. When it comes to the tasty little fungi I will go cleaned and pre-sliced. No matter button, portabella, chanterelle, ect, I actually don't mind the cutting part its the cleaning, it just seems its hard to get that dirt of and I will give it to the prepared section for the mushrooms. Being rich in niacin, riboflavin, folate, and selenium it would be a shame for  a little dirt to get in the way. Happy Friday all and hope you have a great weekend!

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